
Chapter 4- Meeting new Challenges - Illustrated

I have never been one to run away from a challenge.  Give me a need and I shall try my utmost to fulfil it. Give me potential and I shall find a away to realise it. This tendency has, in the past made me feel invincible and indispensable both of which I now realise, were my misconceptions. 
For events over the past few days have made me realise that I am neither. My physical body has called a halt to all ambitions that I may have had and my withdrawal from a heavy social and work calendar has been accommodated seamlessly as CSC chess classes have been covered by locums and my chess and Hindi clubs have gone on 'temporary'  hold until I am recovered.

The social activities such as Samarpan Singing group & EKTA Womens Forum, which I so conscientiously devoted precious time & energies to sow seeds of & nurture are thriving in the hands of caretakers and good friends. I know now how my husband, a gardener at heart, feels when he sows his seeds, watches and nurtures the saplings and then has to leave his beloved plants in the care of a neighbour while we go on holiday, returning only to discover that they have thrived in his absence.  Is that a slight 'PING' I hear ? A feeling of betrayal, of being unwanted & unmissed or is it relief?  I cannot complain as I have received messages of love and appreciation in abundance and flowers to match and my greatest reward is to see them flourish.

So what are my latest challenges?
  • Challenge 1: remembering to take my 11 tablets/day-    Solution- A daily pill box
  • Challenge 2: extreme Fatigue & lack of stamina -
  • Solution - Don't fight it- rest when needed and without guilt.
  • Challenge 3: Busy and overactive mind Solution- Harness those thoughts with controlled and creative activities and distractions. These include- writing this BLOG, weekly Tai Chi, Music and art sessions, and excavating my study - All at a very gentle pace.
  • Challenge 4: Disappointment -  Solution:  Lower your expectations 
Most importantly, I must remember to be grateful for all that I have and for the grace of good friends and neighbours who have neither forgotten nor neglected me.
In this respect, I am a very fortunate and wealthy woman.

Illustration 2:' Peace in a Wildflower Meadow-' My Art Class- DR 

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