
Chaper 10- My Treasure Chest

I have always believed that the people I have met and experiences I have gained throughout added to the richness of my life.  In particular, the very special people whom I call my Jewels, many sparkling but some a little rough, uncut and unpolished. As I sit in enforced retirement I have now taken out my polishing cloth and am delving into my treasure chest pulling out and polishing each jewel until it sparkles - because believe me, everyone has the potential to sparkle in the hands of one who knows their worth.

Tasniya is one such jewel, wearing a tireless, cherubic smile on her face, she tends to me, chastises me and cares for me as though I were one of her children. She brings to my home a

wealth of worldly experience and wisdom gained and shares her friendship unselfishly and unconditionally. I have truly valued her companionship in these past days, especially when she has taken me out for a much needed walk in the park.

My treasure chest is very full and I have not yet, reached its depths but I intend to give my attention every single jewel that I have collected over many years and make each one sparkle!

So picture me now fellow travellers, my eyes twinkling with the reflections of my treasure chess full of jewels, friends, people I have known and lovingly collected over the years.
Yes, I am feeling RICH today.

1 comment:

  1. You are truely a rich person . May your precious treasure be yours forever.
    May you have time to polish all your jewels to their original sparkle.
    Keep writing . You are so good at it.
