
Chapter 2- Learning to walk, then maybe run again!

Its like taking baby steps again!  I feel unsure, unsteady and not very confident but despite the fact I was very lucky in that I have no loss of mobility and function, I am still finding it difficult to take my first steps independently.  Feeling fragile!  But I must remember the words of a very kind consultant-neurologist,' You don't need to wrap yourself up in cotton wool!  I came back from that appointment feeling empowered.
I can go swimming without the fear of bursting a blood vessel! because lets be frank!  That is the first thought that crossed my mind! After all, my blood pressure on admission had been 240/140. But do remember that I had begun to conquer that demon now!  My daily cocktail of tablets were working! - And to think that all these years I had believed them to be my enemies!

Well, then began my search for some Hydrotherapy.  I learnt to swim as an adult, some 20 years ago but never really got over my fear of putting my head in the water.  I can float on my back for hours but ask me to do the front crawl and I swim the other way- preferably on my back!
The ideal Swim session for me would have to me be in a shallow, with lots of supervision.
An intensive search of local facilities proved fruitless so I started searching for Hydrotherapy pools.
I had recently been contacted by my local post-stroke, rehabilitation unit offering me advice, newly printed leaflets and support. So I called them but sadly they had nothing to offer but an answerphone.

So it was back to my old friend Google and EUREKA!  There it was-a private, hydrotherapy pool in Barnet.  BUT getting a referral there was to be another obstacle course.

Meanwhile, I tuned in to my inner voice of healing and common sense and found myself in the company of some old and talented friends but hats another chapter!  Read on.

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