
Chapter 11- Self-Drive Recovery

Fellow travellers,
I must share with you a small setback and disappointment on this journey of recovery but fear not, it is due to tiresome diversions & 'roadworks' and not a 'road closure!  Upon discharge from the hospital, I was signed up for numerous research studies into stroke and armed with reading matter about various aspects of stroke management.  I also had an indication of a referral to local post-stroke care & rehabilitation services.  This has, sadly, been lacking and, apart from one phone call, I have received no support that I have not actively sought out and  chased up.

I am now having to adopt a rather convoluted route, using private healthcare, to obtain the support that I now require and this is wearing me down a little.

I find my physical strength & stamina diminishing day by day due to lack of nutrition ( I have lost my appetite) and lack of exercise, as I tire after 20minues of maintaining an erect posture. Having seen a consultant neurologist just recently, I appear to be in good shape but now await a cardiological evaluation - again through private health insurance.  I have also actively sought out a private physiotherapy clinic that offers hydrotherapy to facilitate my physical rehabilitation.  This was after a fruitless search of local facilities for assisted and  guided swimming  facilities in public pools. What a waste of potential!

There is so much that could be offered, simply and cost effectively that would aid the recovery of stroke victims but is sadly lacking at the moment. I was offered the opportunity to join two exercise classes  run by 'support' groups but both a bus and train ride away and hence inaccessible to me in my present state.  Fortunately, I have since found and am attending Tai Chi classes on my own, nearby.

Private health insurance is a luxury not available to many but I am fortunate that my husband has considered this a facility he will afford us. I am having to navigate my recovery using this as an aid because the NHS has nothing to offer me in place. 

Other stroke sufferers may understand that it is difficult , in these early stages to maintain a positive and energetic attitude to recovery and I wonder how you are coping. Could there not be something better on offer considering the burden further disability and dependency would place on the NHS as a consequence of this neglect?

I grow weary my friends,  navigating and driving my own recovery and apologise if this sounds like a rant. I am grateful, nevertheless for all the help I have received so far but know that things could be so much better.



  1. So very nice. you are a brave soul surrounded surrounded by the angels, no devil can harm you any how.
    very nicely written.

  2. Sorry to read that you are feeling weary,understandably so. I wanted to say that speak of gems and your treasures in chapter 10,never forget that like those people have enriched your life you in turn have enriched theirs,I for one will always remain grateful I met you randomly on a train, the intro to Samarpan enhances my life i love it,Thank you.Is there anything I could do to help during this weary time?am home mons/Tuesday.Your blog is honest and endearing Thankyou for sharing xx
